EBN- Heartburn is a real problem that many people suffer from, and some people make a mistake when they associate it with heart problems because the burning sensation runs through the esophagus, making you feel pain and burning between the mouth and the stomach.
This heartburn may last for a few minutes or may reach a number of hours and is very uncomfortable, according to a report published on the Houston methodist website.
Causes of heartburn
Heartburn occurs for several reasons, the most important of which is stomach secretions and their reflux into the esophagus. These acidic contents, which are used to break down and get rid of food in the stomach, reflux back, causing severe irritation and severe heartburn.
Heartburn occurs as a result of the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter valve, which prevents food from refluxing back. This relaxation causes this severe heartburn.
Tips and home remedies to get rid of heartburn
The report provided a set of tips and home remedies to get rid of severe heartburn:
1. Avoid foods that cause allergies: These foods in particular cause the sphincter muscle to relax, so you must know the foods that cause you allergies and irritation and stay away from them.
2. Do not lie on your back: Avoid lying on your back after eating, or even sleeping after eating, as at least two to three hours must pass before you can sleep, so that the acids do not return to the mouth, in addition to giving the food the full opportunity to be metabolized and completely digested by the stomach.
3. Eat your food well and do not eat it quickly: Eating quickly causes this heartburn to increase and become more severe, because it increases the pressure on the valve that prevents acid reflux.
4. Do not eat a lot of food: A lot of food and overeating puts pressure on the muscle that controls stomach acid, which greatly increases the likelihood of acid reflux.
5. Try to get rid of the excess weight you suffer from, because it increases pressure on the esophagus, and thus increases heartburn. Losing weight improves stomach processes, metabolism, and acids.
6. Stop smoking: Quit smoking now so as not to increase the severity of acid reflux.
7. Wear loose clothing: Do not wear tight clothing that can put pressure on the stomach.
8. Adjust your sleeping position: Sleep on your left side to aid digestion and reduce esophageal reflux and stomach acid reflux.
9. Go to the doctor: Cases of esophageal reflux can be eliminated with the above-mentioned tips, but if the heartburn is chronic and does not go away with some other symptoms such as bowel disorders, difficulty swallowing or poor appetite, you must see a specialist. You can also get some safe antacids and heartburn according to the doctor’s opinion.