London, Europe Brief News – 200,000 coastal homes in England are at risk of sinking within 30 years, new data suggests.
Due to the climate crisis, within 30 years these coastal homes will be potentially unsalvageable.
Researchers said the country could face around 14 inches (35cm) of sea level rise compared to historic levels within 30 years and is nearly certain to see close to 3ft (1m) of advancement by the end of the century.
It comes a week after the official in charge of Britain’s flood protection said some of Britain’s seaside towns and villages may have to be abandoned because of rising seas and coastal erosion.
The new study also cautioned that it may not be possible to protect some communities, after examining how advancing seas caused by climate change – combined with erosion of foreshores by waves – are increasing coastal flood risk.
It compared the rising risk of coastal flooding with existing policies for managing the coast.
Experts warned there is an urgent need for a national debate about the flooding threat to coastal communities, and for long-term clarity on ‘transformational change’ in some areas, including rolling back defences and moving properties.
The study says it is not possible to say how many of them will have to be moved, as that will be a matter for Government, policy and funding for flood defences.
The figure is on top of the 30,000 to 35,000 properties already identified in areas which have a policy to realign the coast.