EBN- The immune system is the body’s natural tool for fighting diseases. It can be made more effective through vaccination.
However, for it to work properly, you need to focus on a balanced and varied diet loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, exercise regularly and get the necessary vaccinations.
Here are some innovative ways to boost your immunity in winter :
Food therapy
According to the French website “Santé”, when a person is exposed to nutritional deficiencies, his immune system will be affected and will not work properly. To strengthen this system, which is the body’s first line of defense, you must focus on: carbohydrates, proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D, E, B2, B6, B9 and B12, and minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium and copper, for example.
For a strong immune system capable of resisting, you must follow a balanced and varied diet, and this is enough.
For some people, such as the elderly or those suffering from certain diseases, some nutritional supplements of vitamins and minerals can be taken to compensate for the deficiency; such as vitamins A, D, B12, iron or zinc.
Taking vitamin B12 is also essential for vegetarians. Zinc
is a stimulant for the immune system, especially for those who suffer from a deficiency of this mineral, especially those suffering from chronic intestinal diseases, kidney disease, malnutrition, or the elderly.
Herbal medicine
Some plants help boost the immune system, so dietary supplements are made from them, such as: Echinacea, ginseng , cat’s claw, and others.
You can focus on eating some types of mushrooms of Asian origin; such as shiitake, maitake, and reishi mushrooms, which work to boost immunity.
Other plants are sometimes suggested to stimulate immunity, such as Eleuthero, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra, and other plants and herbs, but clinical studies have not confirmed these claims.
Sports therapy
According to the Sorbonne University in France, the immune system is complex and is affected by many factors. Delphine Soss, director of research at the university, explains that when you exercise, your blood circulation increases to transport immune system cells to potentially infected or already infected sites. Exercise also acts as a treatment against chronic stress, which can affect the immune system by releasing cortisol.
The release of endorphins, the happiness hormone, creates a good environment for a healthy immune response by reducing the risk of depression, stress or anxiety.
Endurance exercises, such as swimming and cycling, boost your blood circulation, heart and respiratory function, and the production of immune cells.
Moderate activities, such as walking or yoga, should not be underestimated, as they also help reduce stress , stimulate blood circulation and control weight.
Some preventive measures against viruses.
According to the Lining Laboratories website, some preventive measures are necessary to prevent diseases:
Hand washing
Hands and objects are a breeding ground for germs. There are thousands of germs on your phone, doorknobs, surfaces, on your hands, and under your nails. Wash your hands with soap and water or an antibacterial hand sanitizer when you touch surfaces or objects you suspect are contaminated to fight infection.
Avoid closed spaces
In winter, everyone tends to increase the heating of their homes, without renewing the air. It may only take one person with a cold in the room to infect everyone present, so, to protect others, it is recommended to sneeze into a tissue and then throw it in the trash.
During periods of extreme fatigue or recovery, it is recommended to use some nutritional supplements and vitamins to stimulate immune cells, such as beta-carotene and some vitamins and minerals.
But also consider taking a course of probiotics that work to naturally replenish the intestinal flora, as they contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system.
Anxiety,stress, lack of exposure to light, sleep disorders and stress are factors that weaken the body’s immune system.
Stress affects the level of cortisol, a hormone that weakens immune alertness, if secreted in large amounts. This is where relaxation (massage, yoga, meditation, going out with friends) comes in, in order to strengthen and re-enhance the immune system. Also try to get enough sleep (7-8 hours) to restore the body’s energy.
Avoid smoking
Smoking irritates the respiratory system and causes a decrease in the level of vitamin C, the primary supporter of the immune system, because tobacco produces a large amount of free radicals that destroy the body’s cells. Smoking in all its forms increases the risk of infection and complications associated with colds.