April 11, 2003 – In a press conference, Army Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks announces that US soldiers in Iraq will begin receiving a list of the 55 "most wanted" Iraqis. To accompany the list, the soldiers also get a deck of playing cards representing the fugitives.
The Most Wanted
No. 1/Ace of Spades
Saddam Hussein
Former Iraqi President
December 13, 2003 – Captured in a "spider hole" in Tikrit.
November 5, 2006 – Sentenced to death.
December 30, 2006 – Executed.No. 2/Ace of Clubs
Qusay Hussein
Chief, Special Security Organization/special Republican Guard (SSO/SRG); Commander, Central Region Commander
July 22, 2003 – Killed in firefight in Mosul.No. 3/Ace of Hearts
Uday Hussein
Member of the National Assembly, Olympic Committee
July 22, 2003 – Killed in a firefight in Mosul.No. 4/Ace of Diamonds
Gen. Abed Hamoud Mahmud al-Tikriti
Saddam Hussein's personal secretary and senior bodyguard
June 18, 2003 – Captured. Later convicted and sentenced to death.
June 7, 2012 – Executed.No. 5/King of Spades
Ali Hasan al-Majid
Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) / Commander, Ba'ath Party Regional Command /Head Of Central Workers Bureau
August 21, 2003 – Captured.
2007 – Sentenced to death in four separate trials.
January 25, 2010 – Executed.No. 6/King of Clubs
Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri
Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) Vice-Chairman / Northern Region Commander /Deputy Secretary General, Ba'th Party Regional Command / Deputy Commander, Armed Forces
April 17, 2015 – Reported killed in an Iraqi security operation.No. 7/King of Hearts
Hani abd al-Latif al-Tilfah al-Tikriti
Director, Special Security Organization (SSO) / Responsible for Security And Investigations
Still at Large.No. 8/King of Diamonds
Aziz Saleh Al-Numan
Ba'ath Party regional command chairman
May 22, 2003 – Captured. Later convicted and sentenced to death.
July 16, 2011 – Transferred from US custody to Iraqi custody.No. 9/Queen of Spades
Muhammad Hazma al Zubaydi
Central Euphrates Reg. Commander
April 21, 2003 – Captured.
2005 – Died in US custody.No. 10/Queen of Clubs
Kamal Mustafa Abdallah Sultan Al-Tikriti
Former secretary-general of the Republican Guard
May 17, 2003 – Captured.No. 11/Queen of Hearts
Barzan Abd Ghafur Sulayman al Tikriti
SRG Commander.
July 23, 2003 – Captured. No. 12/Queen of Diamonds
Muzahim Sa'b Hassan al Tikriti
Air Defense Force Commander.
April 23, 2003 – Captured.No. 13/Jack of Spades
Ibrahim Ahmad abd al-Sattar Muhammad al-Tikriti
Iraqi Armed Forces chief of staff
May 12, 2003 – Captured. Later sentenced to life in prison.
2010 – Died in US custody.No. 14/Jack of Clubs
Sayf al-Din Fulayyih Hasan Taha al-Rawi
Chief of Iraqi Republican Guard (RG)
Still at Large.No. 15/Jack of Hearts
Rafi abd al-Latif Tilfah al-Tikriti
Director, Directorate of General Security (DGS)
Still at Large.No. 16/Jack of Diamonds
Tahir Jalil Habbush al-Tikriti
Director, Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS)
Still at Large.No. 17/Ten of Spades
Hamid Raja Shalah al-Tikriti
Commander of the Iraqi air force
June 14, 2003 – Captured.No. 18/Ten of Clubs
Latif Nusayyif Jasm Al-Dulaymi
Baath party official and deputy chairman of the party's military bureau
June 10, 2003 – Captured.No. 19/Ten of Hearts
Abd al Tawab abdullah Mullah al-Huwaysh
Director of the Office of Military Industrialization
May 2, 2003 – Captured.No. 20/Ten of Diamonds
Taha Yasin Ramadan al-Jizrawi
Iraqi Vice-President
August 19, 2003 – Captured.
March 20, 2007 – Executed.No. 21/Nine of Spades
Rukan Razuki abd al-Ghafar Sulayman al-Nasiri
Saddam Hussein's Senior Bodyguard/head-Tribal Affairs
Still at Large.No. 22/Nine of Clubs
Jamal Mustafa Abdullah Sultan al Tikriti
Dep. Chief of Tribal Affairs
April 21, 2003 – Captured.No. 23/Nine of Hearts
Mizban Khadr Al Hadi
Baath Party Regional Command and Revolutionary Command Council member
July 8, 2003 – Captured. Later convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison.No. 24/Nine of Diamonds
Taha Muhie-eldin Marouf
Vice President and Revolutionary Command Council member
May 2, 2003 – Captured.No. 25/Eight of Spades
Tariq Aziz
Deputy Prime Minister
April 24, 2003 – Captured. Later convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
October 26, 2010 – Convicted and sentenced to death.
June 5, 2015 – Died of a heart attack. No. 26/Eight of Clubs
Walid Hamid Tawfiq al-Tikriti
Former governor of Basra
April 28, 2003 – Surrendered to the Iraqi National Congress.No. 27/Eight of Hearts
Sultan Hashim al-Taie
Former Iraqi Minister of Defense
September 19, 2003 – Captured. Sentenced to death in the Anfal trial; to 15 years in prison for the 1991 Shiite uprising trial: and to 15 years for the Halabja chemical attack.
July 16, 2011 – Transferred from US custody to Iraqi custody. No. 28/Eight of Diamonds
Hikmat Mizban Ibrahim al-Azzawi
Deputy Prime Minister, Finance Minister
April 18, 2003 – Captured.No. 29/Seven of Spades
Mahmud Dhiyab al-Ahmad
Iraqi Minister of Interior
August 8, 2003 – Captured.
July 9, 2012 – Released.No. 30/ Seven of Clubs
Ayad Futayyih Khalifa al-Rawi
Al Quds Force chief of staff
June 4, 2003 – Captured.No. 31/Seven of Hearts
Zuhayr Talib abd al-Sattar al-Naqib
Director of Military Intelligence
April 23, 2003 – Surrendered.No. 32/Seven of Diamonds
Amir Hamudi Hasan al-Sadi
Saddam Husseins's science adviser
April 12, 2003 – Surrendered.No. 33/Six of Spades
Amir Rashid Muhammad al-Ubaydi
Oil minister and presidential adviser
April 28, 2003 – Captured.No. 34/Six of Clubs
Hussam Muhammad Amin al-Yasin
Head, National Monitoring Directorate; Former Minister of Interior
April 27, 2003 – Captured.No. 35/Six of Hearts
Muhammad Mahdi al-Salih
Minister of Trade
April 23, 2003 – Captured.No. 36/Six of Diamonds
Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti
Presidential advisor, half-brother of Saddam Hussein
February 2005 – Turned over to Iraq by Syria. Sentenced to 15 years in prison in one trial and sentenced to death in another.
July 16, 2011 – Transferred from US custody to Iraqi custody.
July 2013 – Died of cancer.No. 37/Five of Spades
Watban Ibrahim Hasan al-Tikriti
Saddam Hussein's half-brother
April 13, 2003 – Captured at SyriRead More – Source