London, Europe Breif News – A man spent 54 hours trapped in Welsh cave for 54 hours after falling in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, in the Brecon Beacons.
George Linnane, 38, an engineer from Bristol, became stuck after falling in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, in the Brecon Beacons.
Rescue volunteers from all over the UK came to the aid of George Linnane after his fall.
It took about 300 volunteers from across the country to rescue George Linnane, who broke his arm, ribs and jaw after a fall at Ogof Ffynnon Ddu cave system.
Gary Evans, the emergency services liaison officer, told reporters: “The casualty is doing remarkably well, if you consider how long he’s been in the cave, how long he’s been in a stretcher- he’s doing very well indeed.
“He’s being assessed at the moment and we’ll know more in a short while.”
Asked how he felt about the success of the operation, Mr Evans added: “We’re absolutely delighted, we’re delighted because it was a difficult rescue and we’re delighted because the casualty has done really well considering what’s happened.”
Gary Mitchell, South and Mid Wales Cave Rescue Team’s surface controller, said: “To get that news that he’s finally out, he’s on the surface and being well looked after is clearly ecstatic for all of us.”
Teams of rescuers had been working in shifts to bring him to safety but had been unable to airlift him to hospital by helicopter because of the weather.
Peter Francis, a SMWCRT spokes man, said the rescue is the longest in South Wales caving history.
The 74-year-old said: “This is the longest rescue we’ve ever done but we’re very pleased with the progress being made.
“The caver was very unlucky here. He’s an experienced caver, a fit caver. And it was a matter of putting his foot in the wrong place.
“He wasn’t in a dangerous part of the cave, it’s just something moved from under him.”