Ohio, Europe Brief News- Meet Spike, the Ohio Chihuahua who has been named the world’s oldest living dog.
Spike, from Camden in Ohio, has been named the world’s oldest living dog by Guinness World Records.
The Chihuahua, who lives with his human Rita Kimball in Preble County, received the title on 7 December last year.
He earlier celebrated his 23rd birthday with the Kimball family on 10 November.
“He had been shaved up his back, had blood stains around his neck from a chain or rope and looked pretty rough,” Kimball said.
Kimball, along with her daughter and grandson, checked the grocery store to see if they could find Spike’s owners. The clerk told her that Spike had been there for three days and that they were feeding him scraps.
Without knowing who Spike owners were, Kimball decided to take the chihuahua home.
“Spike jumped right in and sat on the seat, as if he knew where we were going,” she said.
According to the press release, Spike was already 10 years old by the time Kimball rescued him. Now, at 23 years old, Spike is 9 inches tall and weighs nearly 13 pounds.
His secret to old age? A good routine.
The chihuahua starts his mornings around 7 a.m. and also spends time with other animals on Kimball’s farm.
“Spike has ridden on tractors, been a passenger inside the combine and tags along when we cut wood,” Kimball said. “If it’s a good day, he will chase a cat or two,”
After his morning strolls, Spike heads for his nap on the front porch as his owner prepares her coffee.