London, Europe Brief News – Approximately 71 monkeypox cases have been reported in England over the weekend.
The new cases brought the UK total number to 179, medical sources said.
New guidance is advising anyone with the virus to abstain from sex while they have symptoms.
They are also told to use condoms for eight weeks after an infection as a precaution.
The risk to the population is low, but people should be alert to new rashes or lesions, the sources added.
In total, 172 cases have been confirmed in England, with four in Scotland, two in Northern Ireland and one in Wales.
New guidance for doctors and other healthcare workers to help control the latest outbreak has now been agreed by the four health authorities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
People who have tested positive for the virus and their close contacts are being told to isolate at home for 21 days.
They should avoid contact with other people until all lesions – or blisters – have healed and scabs have dried off.
Anyone with a confirmed infection is now being advised to abstain from sex while they have symptoms.
The guidance says that while there is currently no available evidence that monkeypox can be spread in sexual fluids, people confirmed to have the virus are advised to use condoms for eight weeks after infection as a precaution.
Confirmed cases and their close contacts should take extra care if they need to leave the house to see a doctor or other health worker.
This means making sure any lesions are covered by clothes, wearing a face covering and avoiding public transport where possible.