Cairo, Europe Brief News – Archaeologists on Thursday have made what they are terming a “dream discovery.” This is a mummy which was lain within a chamber undisturbed for thousands of years.
Thought to be one of the oldest and most complete non-royal corpses ever found in Egypt. The mummy was covered in gold leaf at the time of excavation.
The mummy is believed to be the remains of a man named Hekashepes. This mummy was covered in gold leaf and has been sealed inside a sarcophagus (a stone coffin) that had not been opened for 4,300 years.
The largest of the mummies that were unearthed at the ancient necropolis is said to belong to a man called Khnumdjedef – a priest, inspector and supervisor of nobles.
Another belonged to a man called Meri, who was a senior palace official given the title of “secret keeper”, which allowed him to perform special religious rituals.
A judge and writer named Fetek is thought to have been laid to rest in the other tomb, where a collection of what are thought to be the largest statues ever found in the area had been discovered.
Several other items, including pottery, have also been found among the tombs.
There were various statues and items of pottery found inside the discovered tombs at the ancient necropolis. The largest of the mummies is believed to be of a man called Khnumdjedef. Khnumdjedef was a priest, inspector and supervisor of nobles.
Another mummy belonged to a man called Meri. Meri was a senior palace official who was given the title of “secret keeper”. The title allowed him to perform special religious rituals.