London, Europe Brief News – Want to back to nature? That’s great news! So, what is stopping you from taking the first few steps towards choosing this lifestyle?
We think it might be due to an information overload arising from the trendiness of the topic.
That’s why we’re going to break this down into a detailed, yet simple guide for you.
The word ‘natural’ itself has become an umbrella term, including various practices such as zero waste, organic, ethical, sustainable living and many others. So, how does one live a ‘natural life’? Well, here’s the thing: there’s no rule book. However, we can make some practical decisions and choices about how we live our lives, right now, with the tools we have.
And that’s exactly what this guide is for.
We have pulled together our collective knowledge on natural living to bring you this ultimate guide to natural living. Plus, look out for our favourite resources under each section.
What is Natural Living?
Natural living can be defined as a set of lifestyle choices one can make to have as little negative impact on the environment as possible. It’s about being mindful of where your products come from, how they are made and what they leave behind, in terms of waste.
At a glance: what is covered in this guide?
Food: a few ways to make natural living choices when it comes to food, not only for you, but for the environment.
Home and Furniture: how to introduce natural cleaning products, furniture and other household items into your life.
Going Zero Waste: one of the most important parts of natural living is reducing one’s waste. We’ll uncover a few quick ways to start reducing your waste, from Day 1.
Health and Fitness: from your exercise regimen to your mental well being, we’ll explore a few natural ways to keep you fit and healthy.
Natural living and the environment: how to be mindful of how your consumption affects the environment around you.
Books: a list of our favourite Natural Living books from respected authors.