Brussels, Europe Brief News – The effect of social media on girls at different ages can be intense. According to recent research, it is raising vulnerability and lack of confidence in adolescence. A team of Psychologists has revealed that girls who spend a lot of time on social media are not satisfied with their lives.
When girls are between the ages of 11 and 13, they start comparing their life with others. A similar trend is found in boys who are aged 14 to 15. However, the researchers couldn’t find any link between the use of social media and well-being in the older generation.
They want to work on this issue in the hope to help girls and boys from developing low confidence. The use of social media is becoming a reason for increasing mental health problems. Young people compare their life with others and go into depression.
You will be surprised to know that mental health problems have increased by 50% from 2017 to 2019. About five children in one classroom, suffer from this problem. It is beneficial to come up with some ways so they can cope well in this tough situation. Parents can try and restrict the use of social media for their children.
Effect Of Social Media On Girls Due To The Popularity Of The Social Media
The researchers are shedding light on the rise of social media. They have concluded that the rise in social media has played a role in increasing mental health problems in young women. Young ladies between the age of 16 to 18 are suffering from mental health issues. 5 out of 10 children in any classroom are affected by mental problems.
According to recent data, 84,000 UK individuals that are aged between 10 and 80 years old have issues with their mental health and wellbeing. Their reported excessive use of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp has resulted in this mental stress.
The researchers have found that there is a huge drop in life satisfaction due to the greater use of social media with each passing year. It cannot be concluded how each individual may respond to social media.
Recent studies have provided evidence about social media harms the well-being of individuals. The “windows of vulnerability”, have been opening for young boys and girls. Due to the complex changes that take place during adolescence, biological and social, exposure can affect a lot.
The recent findings have confirmed that higher rates of depression have been found among young girls and they are due to their excessive use of social media. The effect of social media on girls is due to the more amount of time spent on social media