New York, Europe Brief News – People had been trapped in cars for more than two days during what was “probably” the worst storm to hit New York State.
More than 25 people have died in the State as a monster winter storm continues to batter North America.
As a whole, the storm stretching from Canada to the Mexican border has killed 56 people.
US President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration allowing federal support for New York State. “My heart is with those who lost loved ones this holiday weekend,” he tweeted.
The owner of a small family-run shop in East Buffalo, who didn’t want to be named, said looters broke into his general store on Christmas Day.
“They took everything. People took toys, electronics and speakers,” he said.
He estimated up to $50,000 (£41,000) worth of equipment was stolen. He said he called the police, “but they told me they were too busy rescuing the elderly”.
Forecasters say the storm will ease off in the next few days but the advice remains to avoid travelling unless essential.
Thousands of flights have been cancelled, preventing many people from reaching their families at Christmas.
More than 55 million Americans remained under wind chill alerts on Sunday.