EBN- Doctors have warned against the “October theory” trend that has been spreading on the TikTok app for some time, which encourages people to make decisive decisions, similar to those made on New Year’s or before special occasions, to lose weight in one month.
Dr. Crystal Willey said in a report for the British newspaper “Mirror” that this trend can impose a lot of psychological pressure on individuals, which may lead to them failing to achieve their weight loss goals, instead of making sensible decisions that call for balanced and moderate lifestyle changes, which can be easily integrated into the daily routine.
Despite its danger to physical and mental health, the “October Theory” is very popular on TikTok, and attracts many users, especially teenage girls who are influenced by the videos published by some influencers, which highlight the alleged impact of this theory on their lives.
The trend’s creators refer to October as a “mini-January” and promote the idea of starting over.
Experts advise against setting imaginary goals for a short period of time, but rather focusing on simple changes that can be achieved in daily life.
For those looking to make positive changes, the doctor recommends simple approaches such as increasing daily movement, making gradual dietary adjustments, and ensuring adequate sleep (seven to nine hours). These small steps lead to big improvements in overall health and well-being, promoting a more sustainable and less stressful approach.