London, Europe Brief News – In the last three years, the proportion of UK households owning a pet has increased by 5%. Here is a list of the UK’s top 10 most popular pets.
10. Snakes
Around 0.4% of the UK population own a snake. Common breeds that are popular with beginners include corn snakes and king & milk snakes, while more experienced owners home royal pythons and garter snakes.
9. Domestic fowl
Research has found that more than half a million chickens are now kept as pets in the UK, with fowl increasing in popularity in recent years.
8. Lizards
Lizards are often the first reptile that pet owners choose. They don’t carry the innate fear that snakes bring to certain people and they can make great display animals.
7. Tortoises and turtles
Tortoises and turtles can be a fascinating and fun pet, although they can be difficult to keep and require responsible ownership.
6. Hamsters
Research shows that 1% of us own a hamster. There are 24 different species of hamster, and among the most popular pets are the Syrian, the Russian dwarf Campbell and the Roborovski.
5. Guinea pigs
Guinea pigs are particularly popular with families.
4. Indoor birds
From small budgies up to the largest parrots, birds make entertaining, colourful and interesting pets that are very rewarding to keep. They are also delicate animals that need to be cared for carefully.
3. Rabbits
Around 2% of Brits own a rabbit, and they are the country’s third most popular pet. The PDSA estimate that around 1.5 million rabbits are kept as pets in the UK.
2. Cats
There are an estimated 8 million cats in the UK, with 5 million households owning at least one cat. And, of those households that own a cat, 40% have more than one.
1. Dogs
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the UK’s favourite pet is the dog. More than a quarter of us (26%) own a dog, with an estimated 9 million dogs living in the UK.