Hungary called on the EU to respect the sovereignty of member states after backing Poland’s court ruling against EU law.
The Hungarian PM Viktor Orban signed a governmental decree on Saturday, said the press chief.
The decree welcomed the Polish Constitutional Court ruling, which descended the EU into a catastrophe.
The European Commission (EC) president, Ursula von der Leyen, said she is extremely concerned by Poland’s ruling.
Also, she said the EC will do its best to make sure the EU’s primacy is of priority.
There has been a row between Hungary and Poland’s right-wing populist governments and the Commission over several issues.
The issues range from media freedom of speech, migration, LGBT rights to the independence of the judiciary.
The two countries, which joined the EU in 2004, are former communist-ruled states.
Moreover, they have been allies with the bloc and support each other’s cases; they often vote jointly on the same issues.
“Bad practice of EU institutions” triggered Poland’s ruling on Thursday, said Budapest.
Evidently, the EU institutions attempted to take away certain competencies from member states which the EU never conferred.
“The EU law’s primacy can only apply in those areas where the EU has powers,” MTI cited the Hungarian decree.
Additionally, the decree added that the institutions of the EU must respect the member countries’ national identity.
The Constitutional Tribunal of Poland took the case after PM Mateusz Morawiecki asked whether EU institutions could prevent independent judiciary in Poland.
However, despite the row between Brussels and the two governments, the membership support for the latter remains high.