EBN- On this day two years ago, specifically September 8, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II , Queen of Britain, passed away at the age of 96, after ruling Britain for more than 70 years.
She was buried on September 19, after 10 days of national mourning. Her funeral cost nearly $200 million, and was attended by leaders, presidents, dignitaries and celebrities. Queen Elizabeth’s body was buried next to her husband, Prince Philip, in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.
The King attended church service to mark the second anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth and visited Cratty Chapel in Balmoral, a chapel that the late Queen often visited, to mark the second anniversary of her death.
King Charles arrived at the service, accompanied by his wife. The Queen was wearing a green jacket with a red and green collar and a green hat decorated with feathers. The King had a pink flower in the collar of his grey jacket.
King Charles’ speech mourning his loss
The preacher, at the service attended by the King and Queen, described the late Queen Elizabeth as having had a special and influential role for the Royal Family, saying: “She was also important to all of us in Scotland, and throughout the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, and today, September 8, is a sad and also special day for us because it is the second anniversary of the Queen’s death and the anniversary of the King’s accession to the throne.”
The Rev Dr Shaw Patterson, President of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, said he always kept the Royal Family in his prayers and was delighted to stand before the King and Queen.
” King Charles , like his late mother, is known for his humility and is very much loved in this community and is a big part of it,” he continued.
He issued an official message to mark his first anniversary, which also coincides with the day he ascended the British throne. Charles ascended the throne immediately when his mother died at the age of 96 on September 8, 2022, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, after ruling for 70 years, and recently celebrated her Platinum Jubilee.
“On the first anniversary of the late Queen’s death and my accession to the throne, we remember with great affection her long life, her devoted service and all that she meant to so many of us,” he said in the statement.
“I am also deeply grateful for the love and support shown to my wife and I during this year as we do our best to serve you all,” he added, referring to his wife, Queen Camilla.