London, Europe Brief News – The risk of death, hospitalization and serious health issues from COVID-19 increases with reinfection regardless of vaccination, a new study revealed.
The study examined US Department of Veterans Affairs data collected from March 1, 2020 through April 6, 2022. It included information on 443,588 patients with one SARS-CoV-2 infection, 40,947 with two or more infections, and 5.3 million who were not infected. Most of the study subjects were male.
“Reinfection with COVID-19 increases the serious risk of both acute outcomes and long COVID,” said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He added that this was clear “in unvaccinated, vaccinated and boosted people.”
Reinfected patients had a doubled risk of death and a tripled risk of hospitalization compared with individuals infected only once. The patients also had increased risks for a number of other health problems, the study, reported in Nature Medicine, found.
The problems affected the lungs, heart, blood, kidneys, bones and muscles. Reinfection also increased the risk of mental health, brain and nerve disorders.
“Even if one had prior infection and was vaccinated – meaning they had double immunity from prior infection plus vaccines – they are still susceptible to adverse outcomes upon reinfection,” said Al-Aly. He was the lead writer of the study.
Susceptible means easily affected or harmed by something.