London, Europe Brief News – A new research has presented six new lifestyles to stop climate crisis under the slogan ‘less stuff and more joy’.
Tom Bailey, one of its co-founders, said if pledging to make all six shifts is too daunting, just making a start on some of them can make a difference.
End clutter
Keep electronic products – smartphones, personal computers, smartwatches and TVs – for at least seven years. “The addiction to gadgets and buying ‘stuff’ in general is a major contributor to carbon emissions,” according to the report.
The process of extracting rare earth metals and producing ever more products often generates more emissions than using the items themselves, the study shows. For example, only 13% of an iPhone 11’s lifetime emissions are down to its use; the other 86% are associated with its production, transport and end-of-life processing.
Get rid of private vehicles (unless absolutely necessary)
Many people have become accustomed to owning a car and for some their vehicle is essential either for work or because they are disabled or live in a remote area.
But car ownership is driving huge emissions, the research shows. Globally, transport is responsible for about a quarter of overall greenhouse gas emissions. More than two-thirds of this comes from the engines of road vehicles.
Campaigners are calling on those who can to stop using private vehicles – ideally getting rid of any they own – and to turn instead to public transport, walking, cycling or car clubs.
Dress retro
The clothing and textiles industry accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than international aviation and shipping combined and the rise of fast, disposable fashion is accelerating that trend.
Eat green
More than 25% of total global emissions come from the food system. Today’s research shows there are three changes to diet that would dramatically reduce the impact of the food we eat.
Fly no more than once every three years
Aviation contributes to about 2% of overall global emissions. This figure is increasing more than any other form of transport. Flying is also highly unequal: in the UK, 70% of all flights are taken by just 15% of the population.
Change the system
The actions outlined above can lead to huge reductions in global emissions 25% required to keep to 1.5C of warming. But the research is also clear that the bulk of reductions will come from systemic change made by governments. To help transform the system campaigners are calling for people to make at least one change in their own lives.