London, Europe Brief News – Living with family members does not always run smoothly. Here are some tips to live happy with your family.
Set some ground rules
Try to negotiate rather than argue, and be prepared to compromise. If your family member if particularly adamant about certain points, ask them why, rather than arguing about it, and listen to their reasoning.
Talk it through
If you have a problem with the way your family members are treating you, talk to them about it. They may not even realise they’re upsetting you. If you are angry, wait until you’ve calmed down, then discuss things rationally later on. Put forward your side of the story, then ask them to explain theirs.
Talk to someone else
If you’re having problems communicating with your family member, it may help to talk to someone else such as a sibling, an aunt or uncle or college tutor.
Get help from a mediation service
If you feel you need some ‘hands on’ help sorting things out with your family, you could contact a mediator. They don’t take sides, they don’t decide ‘who is right’ and they don’t tell you what to do. Instead, they help you work things out for yourselves.
What if I’m in danger?
If someone in your home is being violent or abusive towards you, you must get help immediately. If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police.