London, Europe Brief News – If the holiday season sees your bank balance dropping as fast as the outdoor temperatures, you’ll love these frugal ways to stay warm in winter without turning up the heat!
Keep moving
Try not to sit still for more than an hour at a time. Even a little bit of activity now and then can help you maintain strength and mobility.
This can be easier said than done. You might well have found that you’re not feeling as fit as you did before the coronavirus pandemic started – if so, you’re not alone. Lots of us are finding things we used to do less easy, but even some gentle movement while sitting down can help.
Eat well
It can sometimes be difficult to keep up the motivation to prepare meals. But it’s good to try and keep to a routine where you can.
If you’ve recently lost weight without meaning to, or if you have a smaller appetite than usual, find out why this might be and what might help.
Get your winter vaccinations
Respiratory viruses are more widespread in winter, so it’s especially important to get your vaccinations. Vaccinations are particularly important this winter. Flu and coronavirus levels are expected to rise due to an increase in social contact.
Make sure your home is warm enough
Try to heat your home to a steady and comfortable temperature throughout the day in the rooms you use most, such as the living room and bedroom. If there are rooms you don’t use, like a spare bedroom, turn off the radiators here and close the doors. This will help you save on energy costs. Close all the curtains at dusk to help keep heat in.