London, Europe Brief News – They are among the tiniest dog breeds in existence. Incredible, as their name suggests! Their detractors often refer to Chihuahuas as “nasty” or “bitey.”
They are unquestionably well-known, and the general public perceives them as cruel. Although some of these myths are true, chihuahuas do not have a bad temperament.
There are several reasons why chihuahuas are so mean, some of which are discussed here.
List of Reasons Why Are Chihuahuas So Mean
1. Social Neglect
The trait of socializing isn’t exclusive to Chihuahuas. Unsocialized dogs are more prone to fear-based hostility towards new objects, people, and animals.
Puppies undergo a fear phase from 8 to 16 weeks. All of your dog’s experiences at this age will be etched in his memory. In other words, a cheerful, confident, and friendly Chihuahua is better socialized. On the other hand, a poorly socialized one may respond with fear-based hostility, which frequently appears as rudeness. Socializing a Chihuahua older than 16 weeks takes time and effort.
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2. Small Sized Bodies
Because Chihuahuas are little dogs, their bones are more delicate. This makes them more fragile and prone to injury. They might be wounded by sliding off the sofa or playing with you, other dogs, and kids. Injuries may cause Chihuahua aggressiveness and defensiveness.
No matter what breed your dog is, injuries hurt. However, owners and vets felt the Chihuahua breed was very sensitive to pain. An injury might be the cause of your Chihuahua’s sudden aggression.
3. Insufficient Training
Small dogs don’t need obedience training; therefore, many owners skip it. After all, it won’t damage anybody if it leaps up or tugs on the leash. Unfortunately, a lack of training may lead to several complications. Owners of Chihuahuas should train them from day one, just like owners of bigger dogs. This will provide your Chihuahua with some exercise and mental stimulation, which will help lessen problems and nasty behavior.
4. Fear-based Aggression
We touched on this form of aggressiveness previously in the socializing section. But it’s worth taking a closer look at. Large animals, aggressive youngsters, and loud sounds may all terrify Chihuahuas. Fear may arise with aging, according to one research. So, if you know your Chihuahua is afraid of particular things, expect a terrified, aggressive reaction. Minimize exposure to the trigger to reduce fear-based behavior.
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5. Bordering or Possessive Acts
Chihuahuas are loyal to their family. But strong ties may also turn into protecting and territorial actions. Visitors or even household members who go too near your Chihuahua may get aggressive. This may occur if your dog defends food, toys, blankets, or other items.
Here’s Your answer to why are chihuahuas so mean? Chihuahuas have a terrible reputation for being cruel because of selective breeding, early traumas, or unpleasant health issues. Not all Chihuahuas bite. A decent breeder and socialization will help prevent aggression issues.