London, Europe Brief News – The hype created by the Harry Potter series made more than half of the public wonder why did Voldemort want to kill Harry. This series was a huge hit after its release in the cinemas. It even got the right amount of hype on the release of the novel. Hence giving it the right exposure, it needed. But before starting, let’s put a few facts in line first.
Voldemort and his backstory
Voldemort was half muggle (non-magical beings) and half magical person. This would make him, what we call it in this world ‘Half-Blood’. Though he had great powers, it was still not enough for him because of his narcissistic personality. And he was always trying out ways to make himself more powerful.
He was trying to be immortal. Eventually, he came up with a plan to split his soul into seven pieces that would come back together once he dies. This indirectly made him immortal. His soul was stored in Horcruxes which are objects in which he stored his soul.
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For those of you who don’t know what Horcruxes are, Horcruxes are the objects into, which Voldemort put part of his soul in. He did so to become immortal. Initially, the Horcruxes were set to be only two (the diary and the ring) but eventually, they became seven. The additional was Voldemort’s snake Nagini, Hufflepuff’s cup, locket, cup, and the Slytherin’s locket.
Among these seven, the authorities took care of the two of them: Hufflepuff’s cup and Slytherin’s locket. Dumbledore already knew that Harry Potter is among the few people who could kill Voldemort. He had kept Harry up to date about all the Horcruxes to help him defeat Voldemort.
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Why did Voldemort want to kill Harry?
Now, as for the big question, Voldemort wanted to kill Harry because of the prophecy given by an old and wise witch, Professor Sybill Trelawney. Since Voldemort was an evil being who would have resulted in the world’s downfall, someone had to defeat him. And that is what the prophecy said that a boy will be born whose powers would vanish Voldemort from this world.
Hearing all this, Voldemort set out to kill Harry. That proved to be unsuccessful though this did cost Harry, his parents’ life. Dumbledore had also intervened and convinced Voldemort that killing Harry won’t be of any use because the prophecy didn’t mean him.
Hopefully, this article fills you up on all the details you need to know about why did Voldemort want to kill Harry.