London, Europe Brief News – With AirPods, you can listen to your favorite music, view movies, or take phone calls while you’re on the road. If the sound quality from your AirPods is poor, you may miss out on the advantages of using them. Since your AirPods sound muffled, you may not need a specialist to determine what’s wrong with them.
“Why do my AirPods sound muffled?” is an understandable concern. Find out why your AirPods’ sound is distorted and how to repair it on your own by reading on.
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Why do my AirPods sound muffled?
Your AirPods may be giving out a distorted sound for several reasons, some of which may be technical, while others may be non-technical yet simple to remedy. The following are some of these reasons:
1- Clogged speaker mesh
The speaker components of Apple’s AirPods are protected from dirt and dust by a dust-resistant mesh covering. However, dirt, ear wax, and other debris may block the speaker mesh of your AirPods, causing them to sound distorted.
A detailed view of a spotless AirPod speaker mesh, which is unlikely to transmit sounds that are muted.
2- Poor connection to the source of the audio.
The music coming from your AirPods may be muddled because of an unstable connection to the audio source or interference from other Bluetooth devices.
3- It’s possible that your AirPods need to be reset
If you are experiencing distorted noises coming from your AirPods, this may indicate that you need to reset your AirPods.
How to Perform a reset on your AirPods?
If your AirPods continue to produce a muffled sound even after you have cleaned them and reconnected them with your smartphone, the next best thing you can do is reset your AirPods by following the procedures that are provided below:
- Remove your AirPods from the paired state with the audio source.
- Place your AirPods charging case back on your charging mat for at least thirty seconds.
- After lifting the cover of the smart case, push the setup button located on the case until the status light changes to white.
- Finally, ensure that your AirPods are properly connected to the audio source.
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If you’ve tried all of the solutions outlined in this guide and still can’t get the muffled sound to stop coming from your AirPods, you’ll need to take them to an Apple Store or an Apple-authorized service provider to have them fixed. Additionally, there is a possibility that the damage to your AirPods is irreversible and will need to be replaced. So there you have it, your guide to why do my AirPods sound muffled?