EBN– Do you suffer from recurring colds during the winter? A report published on The Sun website says that recurring colds have many reasons that make us feel that we do not get relief from their repeated roles throughout the winter, and that it is difficult to get rid of them completely.
The report continued, explaining that the common cold is a viral disease that is limited in nature, and you should get rid of its symptoms within a week of contracting it, but it may develop into cold symptoms throughout the winter for some people.
The symptoms of a cold include coughing, congestion, and fatigue. These symptoms last for long periods of time due to residual inflammation in the airways of some people. In addition, the cold is caused by more than 200 different viruses, but the most common are the coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, pneumonia virus, and others.
According to the report, the most prominent reasons for the continuation of the common cold and its symptoms are that low immunity greatly affects the incidence of this condition, in addition to the flourishing of various viruses in cold temperatures, which facilitates their spread and the ease of infection again.
Cold weather also reduces the immune response in many people, in addition to some other reasons related to stress, fatigue and stress, and not eating healthy food, which weakens the immune system, making the body vulnerable to infection again, and making it difficult for it to recover quickly.
Tips for preventing colds
The report provides these tips to prevent catching a cold:
Encourage your children to wash their hands regularly after eating, before eating, and when returning from school.
It is necessary to wash hands regularly, especially after sneezing, coughing, wiping the nose, or when dealing with someone who has a cold.
Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts into your daily diet to boost immunity.
Take care to take vitamin C and zinc.
Follow a healthy diet rich in nutrients.
Stick to a consistent sleep routine to boost your immune system.
Inhale steam to relieve nasal congestion.
Gargle with salt water to relieve sore throat .
Adhere to the available medications according to the specialist’s vision.