EBN- Yoga is no longer just a spiritual exercise that one does to relax the body and mind. Rather, it has become a clear and compelling manifestation of the well-being that people seek nowadays, especially after it has become clear to everyone that improving the quality of life, nutritionally, athletically, and otherwise, has a positive and significant impact on our physical and psychological health.
The truth is that the fashion of yoga, as some like to call it, has become a haven for everyone without exception: women and men, children and the elderly. Some even involve their pets in exercises, and how fun it is to see a dog or cat gently and lovingly doing moves.
Everyone has realized the importance of yoga, and its great positive effects on health in general. Not only does it help relax the mind and body, but it also has healthy effects on weight, supports bone health, improves blood circulation, and many other health benefits. For women in particular, practicing yoga regularly ensures sustainable health, quality of life, sleep and thinking in the short and long term.
On the occasion of International Yoga Day, which falls today, June 21, we are reviewing with you, my dear, the benefits that we women gain from doing yoga exercises, according to an article published by the CALM website and reviewed by Dr. Chris Musonek, RD, CDCES, MBA.
Yoga is beneficial for everyone, let us agree on this opinion; But there are some special or additional benefits that yoga provides for women specifically, especially women who suffer from menstrual complications, are planning to become pregnant, or are moving into the recovery phase after pregnancy and childbirth.