London, Europe Brief News- Accessing reliable, professional and trustworthy advice on nutrition can sometimes be hard to come by in an era where information is at your fingertips. Here are some nutrition advices that you have to know.
1. Eating is more than just about food
“Eating is more than counting calories and providing nutrients to keep us healthy. Eating is also about socialising, celebrating and enjoying food. There aren’t good and bad foods. All foods can fit in a healthy lifestyle. Denying yourself certain foods that you enjoy can lead to unhealthy relationships with food.
2. The gut affects overall well-being
“Imagine your gut lining is like a delicate net allowing helpful nutrients to seep through into your bloodstream to be used by the body. Expose this net to junk foods, alcohol, toxins, medications and stress and the small holes can enlarge, allowing harmful substances to enter the bloodstream and make you unwell.
3. Small steps make big progress
“‘Small but permanent change’ is a phrase my clients are used to hearing. By that, I mean taking baby steps to achieve your health and wellness goals.
4. Eating for your genes is the right diet for you
“No two people look the same on the outside so you can imagine we all work differently on the inside and require different nutrition. The one-size diet approach doesn’t fit all, so eating The DNA Way (according to your genetics) can liberate the confusion of what diet is best for you. Instead of wondering what to eat, a diet based on your nutrigenomic insights can give you all the answers!”